This project consisted of improvements and new infrastructure for the Town of Clint, Texas, upgrading the wastewater collection system and lift station facilities for the entire town.
The design involved approximately 38,000 linear feet of gravity sewer mains ranging in size from 8 to 12 inches in diameter, 4,000 linear feet of 10-inch force main improvements, a new 1,300 GPM, 35 foot deep cast-in-place lift station, a control room, an odor control system, 123 manholes, 300 linear feet of 24-inch steel casing by boring/tunneling methods and approximately 260 service connections. All new pipeline and lift station facilities required major dewatering operations and significant coordination with all area residents, EPCWID#1 and other utility companies. Plans, specifications and cost estimates were developed. Construction Phase Services, including RPR, were rendered for the entire duration of project.