Desert Springs Development - El Paso, Texas

Posted Dec 15, 2021 by CEA Group

The Desert Springs Development consisted of approximately 200-acres of mixed uses of single-family residential units, multi-family development, and commercial uses.

The development utilized some smart growth initiatives in partially preserving a major flow path to enhance the natural connectivity between the Rio Grande and the Franklin State Park. The flow path consisted of a hybrid channel with concrete side slopes with natural undisturbed channel bottom. The development contains hike/bike trails within the community as well as neighborhood parks within ½-mile of the entire residential development. The development utilized hybrid channels to protect the natural channel bottoms but stabilized the channel slopes for reducing potential in channel migration. The development was incorporated a series of detention basins to capture the upstream undeveloped runoff and provide a slow discharge relief from a controlled outlet structure.

The Project also consisted of the preparation of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision for three flow paths to be submitted to FEMA for review and approval and submission of the platting process through the City of El Paso. Coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was required for compliance with the Clean Water Act and a 404 Permit was obtained for all three flow paths.

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