The Thomas Manor Park Pond and Pump Station Improvements project addressed a non-working pump station and the rehabilitation of an existing park, originally designed in the 1960’s to collect rain runoff, into a new multi-tier park-pond capable of alleviating current flooding conditions to the surrounding area.
CEA designed a new pump station, control building, force
main, pond, park improvements, and drainage structures. A technical memorandum
report addressed pond and pump inefficiencies as well as recommendations to
resolve the recurring flooding along Knights Street. A Hydrological and
Hydraulic Analysis model, using HEC-HMS, was conducted by CEA and determined
the existing pond was undersized and several alternatives were
presented to address the drainage problems. Extensive coordination
with TxDOT and the EP Water Stormwater Operations Dept. was conducted to
videotape the inside of the existing 48-inch RCP located along Loop 375 (Border
Highway). An existing conditions base hydraulic model was created to
simulate the current pipeline analysis and its pipe capacities. Improvements
consisted of a new 4,000 g.p.m. pump station with corresponding piping, control
room, standby generator, and jib crane, installation
of a new 8-ft wide asphalt trail approximately 2,000 feet in length and the installation
of approximately 960 linear feet of 8- and 12-inch sanitary sewer force main.